Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Tanabata 七夕

Yesterday was Tanabata, and because everyone likes to make a wish, I thought I'd share a little bit about this holiday. Basically, the stars of Vega and Altair meet in the sky only one night a year, and they represent star-crossed lovers separated by the river of the Milky Way. There are some lovely legends about the story, which you can read about on the Wikipedia link above (I couldn't find a reliable web source with any length of information, so we'll have to go with wiki on this one, it seems pretty accurate). I think the stars actually meet on 7/7 of the lunar calendar, so the holiday is celebrated in July in some places and August in others. At some point in history the story spread from China to Japan, where it became a festival for the general public, and the thing to do on Tanabata is to write a wish on a slip of paper and tie it to bamboo. Well, I don't have any bamboo, and didn't feel like wandering the neighborhood in search of some, so I substituted by writing my wish on a piece of paper and wedging it into my houseplant. I'm also going to interpret the holiday in a modern way by recycling the paper instead of burning it. Seems like a good enough substitute, ne? There was a big festival in Hiratsuka (sister city to Lawrence, KS!) over the weekend, but I didn't find out about it until yesterday. Ah, well, I hope my wish comes true anyway.

1 comment:

chooeee said...

hi hi, this is so crazy... i am an incoming JET for 2009-2010 and all i know right now is that i'm teaching at two high schools, one in miki and one in ono. i googled "ono miki countryside" to try to find some more info about what the miki/ono area is like, and your blog was the first hit. i read your entry about leaving the program and it looks as though you are the JET that i'm replacing. in fact, my guess is that your apartment is the one that i was possibly going to move into, but after visiting it, one of the miki high school teachers decided it would be more convenient for me to live in miki. anyway, i've received some info on my job in miki but i haven't had contact with anyone in ono. from what i read in your blog entry, it seems as though i should have a pretty interesting time! anyway, if you have the time, i would really love to hear a little bit more about your school in ono! i'm sure you must be busy though, so no worries if you don't have the time to write. buuut if you do, feel free to send me an email at alouie3(at)gmail(dot)com. awesome blog by the way! -- amy